LST Radiator And Radiator Cover News

Anti Ligature Ventilation Grilles For Prisons: Part 2

Written by Robin Mansell | 31 January 2020 11:00:00 Z

Continuing with our topic of ventilation grilles for prisons, this blog post aims to highlight further benefits of Contour’s unique anti-ligature ventilation grille design.

Our previous post highlighted the importance of the ventilation grille’s:

  • Anti-ligature grille design
  • Robust full frame

 This blog aims to cover:

  • Security fixings for authorised access only
  • Reducing Stash points
  • BioCote protection

Security Fixings For Authorised Access Only

Specifiers should choose an anti-Ligature Ventilation Grille that provides a secure surrounding, allowing for authorised access only.

Contour’s anti-ligature ventilation grilles are fixed with a T25 bolt. 

This can only be accessed using a specialist drill bit, and only available to authorised personnel, providing essential tamper-proof protection.


Reducing Stash points In Prison Cells

Standard ventilation grilles pose a clear risk for the concealment of contraband-a major issue in UK prisons today.

Cell searching takes place frequently in UK prisons and is identified as a routine cell search and a routine-plus cell search:

  • A Routine search is a level-A rub down search and a cell search, with no property record check
  • A Routine-Plus search is a full body search and may also involve a property record check, in addition to a cell search

To help aid this process, Contour’s full casing and small ventilation grille design make it difficult for inmates to stash contraband within the ventilation system.

In the unlikely event of this happening, Prison Officers will be able to access the internal structure of the grille with a specialist key-as mentioned above-with ease and efficiency.


Safe, Anti-Microbial Protection For Dirty Protests in Prisons

Urine, blood, vomit and faeces-which is smeared over prison cell walls, floors and ceilings-is known as a ‘dirty protest’.

When a prisoner willingly chooses to urinate or defecate without the use of appropriate facilities, it can pose a significant health risk to other’s who are subjected to it.

Tuberculosis, HIV, and Hepatitis C are just some of the risks to prison staff and other inmates during a dirty protest where bodily fluids, including blood and faeces, are smeared across cell walls or even communal areas.

It’s therefore essential that appropriate cleaning practices are carried out safely and effectively.

Contour is the only company to incorporate BioCote® anti-microbial protection into their LST and anti-ligature radiators and guards, as well as their anti-ligature ventilation grille.

This unique, patented additive provides an effective, safe and long-lasting solution to combatting a wide range of dangerous bacteria, including MRSA and E.coli.

The anti-microbial efficacy of BioCote® products has been tested against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as fungi. BioCote® has been proven to inhibit the growth of these organisms, thus providing hygienic practice.

To view the latest BioCote test certificate, click here.

With BioCote, the contamination of equipment, furniture and fixings due to dirty protests, is mitigated.

Read More:


An anti-ligature ventilation grille is the ideal solution for specifiers aiming to promote safe and hygienic practice in UK prison cells and communal areas.

For any more information on how Contour can help improve your custodial project, get in touch with one of our experts today.

About Us

Contour produces a range of innovative, safe surface temperature systems for healthcare, education, mental health, commercial and secure sectors, working in close partnership and collaborating with architects, M&E engineers, NHS Trusts, local authorities, design consultants and contractors to deliver outstanding safe heating solutions.

Contour is the exclusive partner of BioCote® anti-microbial technology for LST and anti-ligature radiators.  BioCote® additives reduce bacteria by up to 99.9%. Contour combines an extensive range of colour-paints is with BioCote® for a durable, high-quality finish.

Contour’s heating solutions offer secure, single-person quick access to radiator guard interiors for regular deep cleaning and maintenance.  Each year, Contour save the NHS millions of pounds in cleaning costs, therefore delivering.